Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hello to all keep up with the demanding schedule.

This week's readings continue with Latin America and emphasize literature from the Caribbean.

You will work over these two weeks to complete Hodge's delightfully challenging novel.

As the Weekly Greeting indicates, you want to give serious thought to your Special Project about which I talk again in this week's greetings.

Read carefully this week's announcements.

I posed a new  greeting for Week Six and a new video for this week's quiz--you will find both of them published here.

Make sure, as well, to make use of the class notes, for you will find the information of good use.

Give the videos for Beka Lamb your attention if you would like to use this novel for your special project:

Part One

Part Two

Enjoy this week's readings.  I will make a new quiz video after adding more questions about Hodge's book; I will alert you when the quiz becomes ready for your viewing.


Week Six Greetings :

Quiz Six Review: Click the link for the video.


Hello Everyone, This brief video (around 30 minutes) offers a quick look at the second half of Beka Lamb, focusing on some of the more significant aspects of the novel.

The discussion touches on some of the specific events in Beka's life and discusses the novel's central concerns in terms of what Beka experiences.

The talk does not, however, give details enough to replace a close reading of the novel but does reinforce some of the areas of special concern. Enjoy the remainder of the novel.