Friday, December 01, 2017

The Case of the Missing Servant

This week, you have a shorter than usual quiz of just 16 questions.
The quiz will open on Tuesday and remain open until midnight, October 2. The Discussion threads will remain open the same times.

And I cover the quiz in an equally short video:

Quiz Review for Leonardo Padura's Havana Red

I offer here some links from my six-day trip to Havana a few years ago. Some of the photographs add to the atmosphere of the novel.

Tuesday and Wednesday 

You have two quizzes to take over this compelling novel. Quiz one will remain open Monday September14 until midnight Sunday, September 20: The quiz has only one question, and the answer is True.

 The video here addresses the 27-question quiz that will open from 24 September until midnight Sunday, 27.

Do a good job on the quiz: